Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Rose Experiment!

Our sweet Daddy sure loved his roses! Being in the Pacific NW they had the perfect environment in which to thrive!   Mom still babies all those bushes and each year she gets the most beautiful ROSES!  You cannot imagine the aroma!  Well, maybe you can, they smell like a rose haha!  They are just glorious! When I was visiting Mom in June I decide I needed some of these beloved rose bushes to take back home with me to Tennessee.  After all, I had given some of them to Dad over the years and I thought it would be fun to spread the love!  I hopped on the inter-web and quickly learned an easy way to propagate roses.  I took some clippers out to the yard and got trimmings of my three favorite bushes.  A giant red, a peach, and the "peace" rose (the one I gave Dad).  I wrapped the stems in wet paper towels and put them in a ziplock baggie and squeezed out all the air.  Flew them home and the fun began!
First of all, when I got home this is what I had.  I placed these clippings in a jar of water until I was ready to use them.  
I trimmed off all of the growth or leafy stems.  This will force any growth back down the stem and cause new roots (hopefully) to grow! I also clipped the bottom of the stem at an angle to get a nice fresh cut.  
You'll need a rooting hormone.  You can research this if you want.  Some people even use honey!  I bought this from Lowe's.  Dip the newly cut end into the powder about 1/2" or whatever the directions say.  Shake off excess.  Stick it in your soil! I used an all purpose potting soil.  I think it was by Miracle Grow.  Tuck the stems in at the base so they are nice and snug!  Give them a good watering.

Remember to label your rows of stems!!  Something more permanent than these papers, the rain washed the words away and I can't read them!  Luckily I have these pics to go back and read haha! 
With any luck you should start to see some new growth on your little rose plants!   Remember to keep them watered.  These are on the railing on my back deck.  You can also keep these inside until they start up.  
UPDATE:  This is over a month later!  I must admit, I have been sick, traveling, and generally busy!  I have only watered these once!!  Shame on me!!!  But by the grace of God I have some survivors!!  I have 3 little plants that are alive!  Two of the RED bush and one of the PEACE ROSE bush!!!  PEACH did not make it (rip)!     Maybe next time I visit Mom I'll "steal" some more clippings to see if I can't try again on the PEACH bush!  Have any of you tried to grow new ROSE bushes from clippings?  I'd love to hear your comments!  
Here is our BEAUTIFUL MOTHER with her beautiful ROSES!! The PEACH, the PEACE ROSE with it's pretty pink edges, and the RED!  Yes!  They are as big as her head!  haha!  She truly has a green thumb!  Love this lady!

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