Thursday, May 22, 2014

Framed Monogram!

Yay!  I finally got these done :)  I started out needing something to cover up our fireplace because I am too lazy to clean out the ashes!  So I went to the local Goodwill and found this large picture for $14.00!  I made the monogram that you see in the white frame just in time for a ladies dessert I hosted at my house! Yay!

What you'll need:

*A picture frame with glass
*Burlap or fabric of choice
*Staple gun
*Spray paint for frame
*Dry Erase marker
*Sharpie brand paint pen
*Black acrylic paint
*Small paint brush
*Clear Finish Sealer

I wanted to make a few more of these so I went back to Goodwill.  I love buying frames there!  No matter what kind of picture is inside.  No matter what color they are.  I try to make sure it's wood or composite wood.  This time I took "before" pics of the not-so-pretty art!!

OK, first you start by removing whatever backing your art has on it.  This had some paper covering the whole back.  I just took the edge of my scissors and cut it off.  

 Next you want to remove any staples or pins that are holding in the art and glass.  I used a screwdriver to pry them up then took them out with pliers.

 Take out the cardboard and art, set it aside.  Take out the glass very carefully.  You will want to clean this well with glass cleaner or windex.  Set this aside.

Now it's time to paint the frame!  I chose black for these next 2 projects.  Just for something different but you use whatever color  you'd like!  You'll want a GLOSS finish, you'll see why later.
I like Krylon spray paint! Make sure you are outside where you can breathe!  Set this aside so it can dry well.  I used a blow dryer on mine because I was impatient!

 Ok, now you need a piece of burlap folded in half because you need a double thickness otherwise it's too see thru.  Once you have your 2-layer piece of burlap you will want to iron it.  Use the steam button.  Trust me, if you don't do this you will see the wrinkles even though it is in the frame!

 Lay your cardboard out on the burlap and cut around leaving 1 1/2 inches.  On the corners cut out a square piece to make the corner. Using a staple gun start tacking down the burlap.  Tack once on the right, then on left, then top and bottom.  This way it will line up straight.

 When you are done clip the extra burlap at the corner.  Place a staple on top to hold it down.

 Now go get your painted frame.  Insert the cardboard back into the frame.  This may be a bit snug, but it should fit.  Take your staple gun and go around the edges catching both the burlap and frame.  I was making 2 pictures at once so if these look different that's why.  On this one I cut the corners different,  not good.  I'd do the square corner like I stated above.  Anyway, you could also catch the fabric at an angle and tack to frame like on the right here.  Either way.
 Here you are!  You are ready to  put the monogram on!  Or whatever design you choose :)

I used a ruler, and a dry erase marker to center my design.  This is where your creativity comes in!  I found a design on the internet.  Then I freehanded it.  You could also trace a design using a stencil. It's up to you.  I used a Sharpie paint pen to draw the design.  

As I went I wiped off the red markings.  These Sharpie paint pens are great! 
 When wet you can easily wipe them off with a paper towel.  
When dry, you can scrape off with your fingernail or other tool.  

As shown above, I used craft paint to fill in the design.  I had to put 2-3 coats as you can see, because this is not glass paint.  But it worked.  And it's cheap!  

When your design is good and dry, take a paper towel and VERY gently make sure you get all the red (or whatever color) dry erase marker off. 
 Your art will now need to be sealed on or else it will just scrape off :(
So I used a Krylon Clear coat spray.  Outside again, I put on 3 or 4 coats, letting dry in between each. It took that many coats to get is shiny like glass and not dull.  This is why you need the black paint in gloss since this  clear coat will get all over it :)  
Let it dry for several hours and that's it!!  Here are both my pictures drying on my porch!  I just love how they turned out and I hope they will be well received :)
I hope you try this with an ugly picture that you come across!